Competition Analysis

We live in a world where every business strives to out perform each other. This is why this exact business exists. Companies everyday are throwing millions of dollars into Internet Advertising and the return on investment of some of these companies is probably horrifying. Blanket "Internet Advertising" is fine when you want to get your corporate branding out to the millions, but if all you are trying to achieve is increase your current sales then we need to start by looking at who is competing for those sales.

By analysing competitors sites we are usually better off trying to attract a different type of customer whether this is a different social group, age group or socio economic group. This way we are not spending huge amounts of time or money trying to "Share" the sales with our main competition.

Lets take an example

Wally's Apparel and T-Shirts have not been receiving a great deal of follow on sales from his website. Wally believes his apparel is predominantly suited to today's youth. His current advertising was targeting the "skating" youth. This made sense, this group seemed to like trendy clothes and had a reasonable disposable income. However after Wally had a web site up for over a year, sales had hardly increased. After doing some investigating it was obvious that in Wally's area there was already fierce competition for this market. Further analysis was completed utilising our proprietary software systems and it was found that "Surfing Apparel" was also quite a hot keyword/topic. Search Engine competition was no where near as fierce for this topic in Wally's area. Wally also had Surfing lines of apparel so after minor modifications to his site and keyword objectives Wally's site made it to the top of the search engines and sales started to increase.

Such a simple idea! All it cost Wally was a couple of days of our time, yet it changed his business forever.

If you would like to discuss with us your Internet Advertising, pick up the phone it costs you nothing for a chat and it may just change your business forever. - SEO Contact Page
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